Nonton Film Living on One Dollar (2013) Subtitle Indonesia - Filmapik
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Filmapik LK21 Nonton Film Living on One Dollar (2013) Subtitle Indonesia

PlayNonton Film Living on One Dollar (2013) Subtitle Indonesia Filmapik
Nonton Film Living on One Dollar (2013) Subtitle Indonesia Filmapik

Nonton Film Living on One Dollar (2013) Subtitle Indonesia Filmapik

Genre : Adventure,  Documentary,  DramaDirector : ,  ,  Actors : ,  ,  Country : ,
Duration : 56 minQuality : Release : IMDb : 7.3 4,824 votesResolusi : 


How do 1.1 billion people around the world live on less than one dollar a day? Four young friends set out to research and live this reality. Armed with only a video camera and a desire to understand, they spend just 56 dollars each for 56 days in rural Pena Blanca, Guatemala. They battle E.Coli, financial stress, and the realization that there are no easy answers. Yet, the generosity and strength of their neighbors, Rosa, Anthony and Chino gives them resilient hope. They return home transformed and embark on a mission to share their new found understanding with other students, inspiring and challenging their generation to make a difference.